Saturday, June 1, 2013

Max Quotes

Today was quite the day!  We had our garage sale, soccer games, more garage sale, lawn mowing and then the girls both had birthday/slumber parties (as did Brayden) so it was just Jerry, Max and I left to paint the town.  We headed out "on an adventure," as Max said and wound up at Dukes on the Waterfront.  

So in tonight's blog, Max is going to help me write it by kindly allowing me to quote him...

"It's a plate boat... A spoon boat..."  He had a blast pretending his plate and utensils were boats.
"It's getting dark... Is it time for bed?" Yes, but he was able to stay up quite a bit past bedtime.
"Have a bite... It's really yummy!" Referring to ice cream.   
"Mommy dance!" As he was rocking back and forth to some new age alliterative song.
"I'm going to drink all my chocolate milk so I can be strong!"
Max holds his arms straight out to show how big he's going to get! 

"His bed can be in the water" referring to the boat who went to bed

"I see cracking water...referring to waves, then he sees another boat "The white boat didn't go to sleep! It just waked up!"

As we were driving along the waterfront, Max saw a huge Navy ship"Look at the big ship! A pirate must be on there... A pirate says ARRRR!!!... They say ho ho ho!"  

"We can make diapers out of napkins!" This is quite funny... so we didn't have a diaper on us (first time in a long, long time) and Max went number two.  Now this wasn't a neat production, but an awfully raunchy mess.  He tried to tell me that we'd wait until we got home and I almost let him talk me into it, but decided it was in the best interest of all involved to clean him of the sewage.  But because we had no diaper, we had to make-shift one with paper towels.  So we did and we were on our way home (with a slight detour at Home Depot) and Max says....

"Oweee!  Something keeps biting me!"
Is it the napkins? We ask.
"Yes! They keep biting me and the crab keeps pinching me!" Note: there's no crabs!

Max went on to vocalize just about every thought he had.  He noted the traffic lights, which by the way, do look orange sometimes versus the supposed yellow; "Orange says slow down!  Green means go fast!!!" He prompted us to count many different things, he loves to count. "Count the lights on the army airplanes with me daddy!" Then we moved on to colors, he likes to play this game where you pick your plane color, mine is normally red, white and blue. He likes color, "My plane is white, red blue, pink and black! I like pink planes...!"

Tonight's blog was a selfish one.  One where I note a short window of time in a very fleeting stage of toddler-hood.  His vocab and personality grow by the day and he is so excited to talk about his world around him.  One day all of this will be second nature and everyday conversation, but now it consists of finding circles on the changing table and stars in the sky.  I believe as I grow older, the time flies by faster and I want to be able to look back one day, read this blog post and be able to become nostalgic by Max quotes.  Tonight I just smile and think of the little boy, finally asleep in his crib counting orange lights in his dreams.

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