Thursday, June 6, 2013

Silly Savannah

My little girl will always be my little girl.  I haven't truly grasped this concept, even though I have heard my mom exclaim it for years, until now.  My Savannah is fifteen.  Wow.  She is a young woman, full of opinions, already making tough decisions, dealing with peer pressure and having had to grow up well before her time.  Referring to my post from a few days ago, at six, she already had a lot of responsibility.  She was just five and had a three year old brother, and both a one year old and new born baby sister.  That's a lot for any child, then add the dysfunction that she had to put up with for several years and that could just about put anyone over the edge.  But not her.  Not my amazing Savannah.  She is smart, funny and full of spunk.  She is a shining star and I am so proud of her.   

So, taking all this into consideration, it is and always will be my favorite sight to witness her act like a kid, to let loose and just be her goofy self.  I found these two pictures, one from Pittsburg, PA (from when we drove from New Mexico to Maine in 2005) and the other of her last summer at my in-laws in MN.  Seven years apart, but still the same silly smile.  I love you my sweet girl and I can't wait to see you in 8 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes and 5 seconds!     

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