Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fevers and Showers

Max through us for a loop this morning and woke up with a high fever of almost 103. I'm normally the worrier, but even Jerry was concerned it had something to do with his leg. I gave him some medicine and after awhile he fell asleep and slept much of the morning. After calls into Max's orthopedic and pediatrician I was set at ease that it was just a virus. Whew. His fever finally seemed to break tonight after he took a little snooze in his beanbag.

While he was sleeping this morning, I got myself set up to paint my white walls for my display and opened a can of black paint. This led us back to Lowe's for the right paint and a few other errands. (I was out of Tylenol, a staple item with a sick little) Always an adventure with kiddos.

Max was pretty quiet today, you could tell he was fighting something. The kids were all good with him, but Sage is his shadow. Her relationship with him is precious and heartwarming. She sure loves her "Do" as she calls him. She's a little fixture in his life right now, especially the last few days because the neighborhood has been quiet.

Tonight after I mowed, Jerry and I had to get my other walls laid out so I could paint tomorrow and the girls were laying with Max. You could just hear the chatter and giggles among the three of them, it was very cute.

My selfish highlight of the day day my shower at the end of it. I have to confess I hadn't showered in two days and I can't remember if it was last Friday or Saturday that I last washed my hair (although I did swim in the lake on Sunday). And it felt oh so good. It had been a day that contained stress, so similar to the song in South Pacific, "I'm going to wash that funk right out of my hair." Whew, what a day!

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