Sunday, February 3, 2013

Faces of a family.

On New Year's Eve 2012, my 24 year old sister got married.  The experience of watching my "baby" sister go through the rite of passage of becoming an adult was a bit difficult for me.  After all,  I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.  I believed she was going to bring good luck to our family because I saw a full rainbow the afternoon of her “birth” day.  While she didn’t bring luck where my parents were concerned,  she brought smiles and love into my life.  I view that as lucky.  Growing up in our family was different than most of my friends.  We didn't just go through life together, we survived life together.  My little sisters and my older brother were my life and at times I was not just their sister, but their guardian, their parent and their best friend, as they were mine.    
Proud Parents
As I watched my little 'leen prepare for her wedding, there was that moment when I realized that this was actually happening, my little Colleen was going to be someone's wife.  I wanted to go all “big sister” on her and tell her a thing or two about growing up, maturity and marriage, however I quickly stopped myself (for the most part.)  When I was 24 I had two babies and was in a mess of a marriage, what did I know?!  Maybe now I could speak from experience, from the position of being older and wiser, but I realized that she had to live through her own “24” and figure things out.  I could drop a few hints, offer up some sisterly advice on love and commitment and I did, but I needed to cap my guidance before it bubbled over and she would no longer be willing to grasp any of it. 

My sisters, my friends.
Family is funny.  I look around at mine and wonder if I met these people out in the world, if we weren’t related, would we be friends?    Honestly, maybe so, maybe not.  We are so different, on different paths that literally lead to far away places.  Yet, no matter what, we eventually come back together and when we do, it’s not always perfect, but it’s wonderful.  It’s love.  There is always that first embrace, when you are almost squeezing the life out of the other person, or maybe you are trying to squeeze all your love back in, a metaphorical fill-up.  Those moments are one of my favorites, the feelings are so raw and real, the love palpable.  I am home. 

A big kiss from my little sister.
Love full circle!
We had a lot of fun during the week of my sister’s wedding, but like all family gatherings, especially during stressful times, there were some bumps.  But the beautiful thing about my family is that we get over it, we find some understanding, hand out some forgiveness and move on.  These wonderful people may be difficult at times, but ultimately they are my family and they’re encrypted in my heart forever.  Hey, I am not perfect, I have made and I am sure will continue to make mistakes in my life.  My path has been bumpy and rough at times and through all that my family has been there for me.  They might not always agree, but they don’t judge.  They love me unconditionally, as I do them.  

My loves

My son and daughter dancing!
If I could teach my children anything, it would be the importance of family.  Throughout their lives they will need that one person who will pick them up, dust them off and right their spirit again, they will need the unconditional love of family.   

I love you my sweet family, to the moon and stars, moon and stars and back!  

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