Sunday, September 9, 2012

Accept and Max on!

I love this video.  It shows Max not only walking, but dancing.  He is dancing for no particular reason, maybe just because he can, all the while trying to find his shoes. 

Wednesday might be the big day that Max doesn't even know he is waiting for, the day his cast finally comes off.  For those of you new to my blog, my son Max fell and broke his femur on July 31st.  He originally started with a full Spica Cast but then on August 13th they took off the half leg portion of the cast from his good leg and just left the full leg and body cast. This adjustment allowed for him to ultimately teach himself to walk  unassisted.   

Yesterday Max and I were playing ball in the backyard with our dog, Puppy.  I was watching him bend over in the most unique fashion in order to pick up the ball.  He didn't complain, or make some loud noises of frustration, just did it.  When he did fall during one of his attempts, he just looked at me and said, "fall" and then got himself back up.  He didn't cry, nor get frustrated, he just did what he needed to do to get to his end goal.

Max has taken the majority of his injury with acceptance.  He seems to understand that he can't have a full bath, only a hair wash over the sink and a wash cloth.  I am sure he wishes he could swim,  when he saw a video of himself swimming on his birthday, he smiled and said, "swimming," but he knows he can't because of his, "cast."  His walk is slow and troublesome, but he continues on anyway, strong and determined.  I am the one who holds my breath and gasps when he falls, runs to him to make sure he is okay although he shows no sign of distress. 

The hardest part is when he wakes up in the middle of the night and crys out, "oww-eee."  I know it can't be comfortable for him to sleep and we try and go in his room and do our best to make him comfortable.  Even then he doesn't throw a fit or scream incessantly, he takes it all in stride.

I am actually feeling bittersweet about Wednesday.  When it comes to diaper changing and bathing, I am excited to go back to one diaper and to scrub him down from head to toe in a tub.  My back will probably start feeling better because I won't have to carry him so much or lift him akwardly from one place to another.  However, I will be a nervous wreck as he has full capability to run, climb and play full force.  Every fall or ouchie will make me anxious.  As I said though in a previous blog, I will just have to let go and have faith that he will be okay.

Being a mom is like sending your heart out into the world in another person's body.  No matter if it is Savannah, who is fourteen and very independant or Sam playing football, Sage teaching herself how to ride a rip stick, Saxton on her scooter, Brayden on his bike or Max riding the neighbor's tractor, you worry.  No mother wants to see her child sad or know they are hurting. No matter where my babies are, or how old, I know I will worry.  And on Wednesday, if the doctor decides Max is ready to be cast free, I will have to be ready too, to hold his hand just long enough, until he desides to let go. 

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