Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yesterday was big for me.  I didn't realize it until I was in the moment and the emotions were almost hitting me in the face.  Sage, my nine year old, is going on fifty.  Ever since she was born, just minutes old, she has been staring  into my soul, peering  into my inner most thoughts. Now she voices them. She is so perceptive, sometimes to a fault.  When my ex and I were going through our issues she was the little soldier, lawyer, judge standing up for what she believed was right and wrong.  When I was going through my darkest hour I had these four little lights who lit my way, Sage, at just seven was quite the light.
Her teachers must have seen this too because they recommended that she be tested for a program called Quest.  It is for students who are highly capable.  I have never been one of those parents who have the "honor student" bumper stickers on my car, (and I am NOT knocking those that do), but I am proud of my kids.  Anyway, her teacher came to me and asked if she could be tested, that she had recommended her and done her part, I had to do mine and fill out an application.  I did, but didn't think a lot about it at first.  But then I realized that while it was important to me, it was probably more important to Sage. 

When the information came in the mail stating that she had been approved for the tests she read it to me, Jerry and posted it on the refrigerator.  (Never mind I had already read it myself.)  She continued to talk and fret about it for days.  Jerry and I finally sat her down and reminded her that all she could do was her best, and that it was a huge compliment to just make it this far.  She calmed down.  I bought her a special lunchable for the testing day and made sure she had a good night sleep and  big breakfast. Sage took it further by getting dressed up and even wearing her fancy shoes.  I wanted to just eat her up.

After dropping off Saxton, Sage and I headed to the testing school.  I had Max and puppy with me and we all walked her up to the school.  I left the puppy outside and Max and I walked her in.  There were several other students waiting in the office, but Sage wasn't nervous.  She held her lunchbox, book her paperwork with confidence.  I kissed her and then kissed her again, wished her luck and walked out.  But it was when I looked back that it hit me.  My little girl was getting ready to do a big thing.  She was taking a chance to have an extra opportunity at education, but she was also taking a chance at being rejected, and I was so proud.  As I walked back to my car I got teary eyed, I oozed mom love.

When I picked her up she was optimistic.  She told me about how she listened and followed directions.  She recited a poem she had written using descriptive words to describe summer, for example the bon-fires we have in our backyard.  I am blanking at the moment at her words and she sleeping so I can't ask her, but they were amazing and colorful and again, I was so proud.  She had tried her best.  She had taken a chance and ran with it.  Well done Sage. 

The funny thing is, on the way home I said to her, maybe you will score your first goal tomorrow.  I don't know how the subject came up, but I remember saying that.  Well, today, she did it!  She scored her first goal.  It wasn't quick, she had to dribble wait, dodge, dribble and the whole while I was screaming her name, and soon so were others and then she did it, she scored!  I was so excited, and again came the tears.  My little deep-souled Sage was getting a return from her investment and the universe was paying her back.  Sage isn't a simple child or always an easy one, but you can't help but cheer for her.  Life hasn't always been kind to her, yet she puts on her best dress and shoes and tries anyway.  Well done Sage, well done.

Sage on her ninth birthday.

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