Monday, April 23, 2012

A hollar out to all my fellow stay at home parents!

Today was one of those days when if asked, "what did you have to do today?" just because I am a stay at home mom, I would have given them an earful.

Here is what I did with my day:

Awakened shortly after six am by my one year old.  I let him chatter a while, but was up all the same.  Got up and packed bag for Max's YMCA swimming class. 

Woke up the girls and got Max up.  Started a load of laundry.  Got the girls off to school.  Started to clean the kitchen.  Headed to the YMCA.

9:15 am Max's swimming class.  He is doing awesome.  He loves the water and thinks he can swim all by himself.  He jumps to me, goes under water and today he floated on his back really well and creeped along the wall for several feet all by himself.

We headed to Ford after swimming to drop off my car for maintenance.  Max and I walked into town and got a bite to eat and then played at the playground.  He tried to snarf some little guy's car and I had to redirect him to the swings. 

Then back to Ford, with a stop at the train station to see if we could see a "bee" as Max calls them, unfortunately no such luck.

After picking up my car I headed home, and was able to talk with my mom.

12:15 Home.  Put Max to bed (thank goodness he transferred!) laundry and more housework.  (The laundry elves didn't make an appearance at my house unfortunately.)  Then off to pick up dog doo doo, mow the lawn and so some weeding. 

2:45 Come inside, get up Max and head to pick up Saxton and then Brayden from school.  (They go to different schools.)  I also called Savannah and was able to chat with her for the drive.  My heart truly feels so happy each and every time I hear both her and Sam's voice.

Pick up the dry-cleaning. 

4 pm. Home.  Homework, more laundry, sweep and mop the floor.

5 pm go get Sage from school and console her because she didn't make the play she had just tried out for.  It's easy to cheer a child on, it's hard to know how to console them when their spirit is threatened.  Sage is an amazing little lady and I reminded her that I was so very proud of her for trying, you can't achieve anything if you don't at least try.

Head from school to the YMCA.  5:30 Soccer practice.  Load up the stroller with Max, diaper bag, waters, soccer ball and dinosaurs, get girls settled and then attempt to entertain and wrangle Max (he loves, LOVES balls and it was torture for him to see so many and not be able to play with them.) The for the next hour I attempted to watch the girls and chat with Savannah (she had just sent me a homework assignment that was both beautiful and bittersweet.  She is constantly dealing with heartache with the courage of a lion.)

6:30 Align the troops and head to the car.  Brayden had fun, he was able to play with some friends during the girls practice.

Home. Dinner, more homework and showers.  This might sound simple but it involves much coercing and repeating phrases such as, "please eat your dinner, please clear your plates, please go shower, please brush your teeth, please put clothes in the hamper, please color in the lines, please read, please, please, please..." several times.  There were small victories though.  Brayden did a great job on his homework, as did Saxton and Sage was a dear and read to Brayden while I finished helping Saxton. 

7:30 Max's bedtime.  This was earlier than usual, but he was just exhausted from our weekend and busy day.

8 pm attempted bedtime for the other three littles.  8:20 actual bedtime.

8:30 finally shower. 


I am not writing this to defend, nor to complain.  I am writing this to create a historical log of a day in the life of me.  I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom, I am fortunate enough to work from home for a small mom and pop company and attempt to make calls and sales when I can.  (Normally I make my work calls during Max's nap time, but we were out of town for my mom's birthday and I was very behind on my household duties.)

Life is busy.  Life is flies by with many days that go by in a blur.  The important thing is to value yourself and your contributions.  For some, those may take place in the workplace, but for those whose workplace is home, their contributions are just as important. 


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